Ingredients for 4-6 people:
2 bunches of peeled and boiled asparagus
7 ounces Ricotta cheese
5 ounces Veroni prosciutto
Mixed aromatic herbs (basil, thyme, marjoram)
Extra virgin olive oil


1)In a bowl, work the ricotta with a spoon until it is a cream, add the herbs and extra virgin olive oil as you like. Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.

2) Take 2 slices of prosciutto and place them on a cutting board, place a bunch of 2-3 asparagus in the center and arrange a spoonful of ricotta with herbs. Wrap everything with the ham, in order to obtain a kind of egg roll.

3)Proceed in this way until the ingredients run out. Arrange the rolls on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Sprinkle with a little extra virgin olive oil and cook in a preheated oven at 180° for about 30 minutes. Transfer to serving plates and serve immediately.




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