Our Veroni family ancestors begun dedicating their lives to the finest quality meats through their special small family shop in Correggio, in the heart of the Emilia Region, known for its salami production. The five Veroni brothers, Fiorentino, Francesco, Paolo, Adolfo and Ugo managed and grew the shop together. Their passion for delicatessen meat evolved over time so much so that in 1925 they turned to producing the meat they had been lovingly selling for years.
The brothers opened a salami factory where they produced all types of Italian charcuterie, using their know-how earnt through years of selling in their family shop, from the best seller, mortadella, to cured and cooked ham, coppa, pancetta and salami ranging in variety and size to suit all growing needs and tastes. The company has passed down it’s traditions and values through four generations, to today where Francesco Veroni is head of the family company, taking care of our family traditions and ensuring their values stay true in the production of Veroni.
“We do not want to lose our family identity, which allowed us to grow over the years and be geared for the future” – says Francesco Veroni (1942).
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