When it comes to combining fish and meat, people often turn up their nose and prefer to avoid the combination. But what if we told you that the combination of fish and cold cuts works and it is perfect for tasty and innovative recipes?

The combination of fish and cured meat is not on many menus, but the union of the two flavors in sophisticated dishes satisfies the needs and tastes of everyone, even the most sceptical. From the Spanish paella to the Moroccan cous cous and some delicious combinations proposed by Veroni, here’s how to prepare curious combinations in the name of taste.

How to match fish and cold cuts

One of the most important rules for a successful dish is to balance the flavors well. Dishes must be delicate, inviting, and exalting the aromas of all the ingredients. In fact, in the case of a plate based on fish and meat, none of the two foods must cover with its flavor the other one, but they must be combined in a refined way.

Many people think that the ideal match is to combine fish with white meat, such as turkey or chicken. As a matter of fact, there are many recipes with pancetta, mortadella, speck, and prosciutto as well. We should not underestimate how the savoriness of some cold cuts is unbeatable to accompany the delicacy of some fishes.

At Veroni, we believe that every dish should be an explosion of flavors! We are always on the lookout for original culinary proposals, and we love to experiment: this is why we have come up with some creative recipes based on the combination of fish and cured meats. For example, you can use our pancetta to cook delicious rolls of hake or salmon accompanied by the cream of broad beans. Or you can use speck to create tasty appetizers by rolling it around shrimp or cooking crispy chips to serve with white fish fillets or a plate of grilled tuna.

We got hungry just talking about it, now all we have to do is start cooking! Find the complete recipes on our website

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